Making Books and Pop-Ups (websites and videos)
​Carol Barton: Popular Kinetics EN
Duncan Birmingham: The Pop-Up Channel EN
Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord: Making Books EN
Making Books and Pop-Ups (books)
These artists have published terrific how-to books
Carol Barton (pop-ups)
Duncan Birmingham (pop-ups)
Gwen Diehn (bookmaking)
Jennie Hinchcliff and Carolee Gilligan Wheeler (mail art)
Joan Irvine (pop-ups)
Paul Johnson (pop-ups and bookmaking)
Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord (bookmaking)
Esther K. Smith (bookmaking)
About Book Arts
Book Arts Web: their list of blogs on book arts EN
Ediciones Vigía EN ES
Livres animés FR EN ES...
Book Arts Organizations
- AQRAL (Quebec Association of Bookbinders and Book Artists)
CBBAG (Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists' Guild)
Center for Book Arts , New York
- Au Papier Japonais (Japanese papers, book arts supplies)
Papeterie Saint-Armand (handmade and machine-made papers)
Papeterie Saint-Giles (handmade papers)
Talas (bookbinding equipment and supplies)
Artists' Books and Pop-up Collections - You Can Visit!
BANQ (Quebec library and archives) FR EN
UQAM Library (Université du Québec à Montréal) FR
More Links About Art, Kids, Education
Alfie Kohn (author of books on kids, schools and parenting) EN
Klaus von Mirbach (pop-up projects with kids) DE
Coriandoline (a child-designed neighbourhood in Italy) EN, IT
Printed Matter (New York non-profit promoter of artists' books) EN
Claudia Segovia Art (book arts and languages in Spain) EN ES